Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Happy Easter!!

                                                                                                                              April 3, 2013
Hola mi familia!!! I am so happy to hear about your amazing dia de Pascau! Thank you for your Easter treats and for the sweet notes and especially for the Picture of Christ! I love you all so much and miss you dearly!  This Easter Weekend, we had a huge combined Sacrament meeting. Picture over 3000 Missionaries partaking of the Sacrament all at the same time. It was truly amazing! I can't describe the overwhelming Spirit of the Lord that was there. I had the opportunity to be in the Choir, and have been in it about 4 times, but it was so special this time because we sang a new arrangement of the Lord is my Shepherd. It was truly an amazing Easter and I felt the Spirit so strongly. Then later that night we had a devotional and guess who spoke? Sheri Dew! I loved it! It was exactly what I needed to hear. She talked about how we have a divine errand to bring the world the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In D&C 33 it says that He will gather His elect, Well it takes the elect to gather the elect. She said that we are all influenced by what is around us, but we have the choice to be influenced, or to be influences. She went on to speak about how the adversary tries to influence us. There are three main ways. He tries to confuse us about who the Savior is and what He did for us, He tries to confuse us about who we are, and He tries to keep us from receiving revelation. If we can keep ourselves focused and remember these three things, it is very hard for the adversary to have any influence over us. She addressed the first one, How can we know who the Savior is. She shared a story about how she and her brother got stuck in a blizzard on winter in Last Chance, Colorado. They had tried to get around the storm, and their dad had to come rescue them. She said, that in that time her dad was her last chance. But, the Savior is not our last chance, He is our ONLY chance. He is our only chance to be healed of heartache, emotional pain, insecurities and fears, and sins, our only chance to catch a vision of who we are, our only chance to deal with the adversary, our only chance to achieve exaltation and eternal life, and our only chance to have hope, peace, happiness,and joy. We must come to know Him through faith, obedience, applying the Atonement in our lives, learning, keeping covenants, studying His life and example, and then trying to be like Him. He can truly help us with anything. I know that with all my heart. Sister Dew said that when we struggle, we can pray to our Heavenly Father, put our weaknesses and fears on the alter, and ask in the name of the Savior for help to overcome. I challenge you all to remember this. It is true, and He will always be there to lift us. The next thing we must remember is who we are. We have been saved for the last days because we are the strongest and because our Heavenly Father has divine confidence in us. He sent us here because He knows what we will do. We must have the same Divine Confidence. Sister Dew challenged us, and I give you all the same challenge to read D&C 138, and Abraham 3 and then ask our Heavenly Father to talk to you about you, and about how He feels about you. We can only have confidence in ourselves if we have confidence in Him and how He feels about us. The last thing is to recognize the Language of Revelation. This comes through regular immersion in the scriptures. We can also ask our Heavenly Father in the name of His Son, to teach us and tutor us in what it sounds like and feels like when the Spirit speaks to us. He will answer. I loved Sister Dew's talk. I testify that everything she shared is true and inspired by our Heavenly Father. I have felt the adversary work on me in each of these 3 ways, but I have the power of the Lord to help me overcome. I know that the Savior lives! This is His Church and His work. He will help us overcome anything, Please read Alma 7:11-12 and also D&C 78:18 I love both of these. I love you all! you are amazing! and I am so proud of you and so happy to know that we will be together forever. Have a great week!


Con todo mi amor,

Hermana Harris


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