Sunday, March 17, 2013

"All of us stumble, but the Lord will never let us fall!"

                                                                                                                               March 12, 2013
Hola mi famila! Como esta? I am so excited to write to you today! This week has been amazing! I was so excited to hear all of your good news this week! Thank you for writing me because I love hearing from you. Mail is such a highlight of the day. Your letters help me feel happy and blessed, and they strengthen me! I feel so blessed to have the most amazing family in the world! I love you all so much! Ok let me try to answer questions. I have two companions: Hermana Peterson from Mesa, Arizona, and Hermana Taylor from Salt Lake. Both sisters are so amazing and I look up to them so much. We all get along really well! It's such a blessing to be in a companionship with two new best friends. We are working on building others up. So at the MTC, we are assigned "investigators." They are teachers who take on the role of an investigator character, and we teach them the lessons according to their needs. Even though they aren't really investigators, we treat them like they are and we teach the lessons all in spanish.The gift of tongues is real! We are teaching a woman named Ruby, who has a young son and lives with her sister who is a member. It is amazing how the Lord guides us to teach her what she needs to hear. We are getting a new investigator this week, but will be doing a door approach so we do not know him yet. The teachers here are so amazing! I want to be a teacher in the MTC after my mission. We also have something called TRC, where we teach volunteer members who come in, and we pray before hand to know what to teach them. We teach them as themselves, and try to help them in whatever they are struggling with in life, by bringing them closer to Christ. It is so amazing! The days are busy, the Elders in my district are fun. One of them reminds me so much of Wesley, it's weird. He looks just like him. Relief Society in the MTC is amazing! We just have a huge devotional with all the sisters, and a guest speaker comes. This week was Carole Stephens, the first counselor of the Relief Society General Presidency. She talked about our role as women and how strong we are. I will have to look over my notes and tell you later, but in that meeting they had all the new sisters of the last two weeks stand up. There room just filled entirely with the Spirit as more than half the sisters stood up. And there were so many sisters there. I am in the the MTC Choir! It's so amazing to sing with all of the other missionaries! Oh, last week at the temple, we all went into the Celestial Room and there were about 30 missionaries in there. The whole room glowed, and I just had the thought enter my mind, This is the army of the Lord! The Lord's work truly is moving forward, never to be stopped again. It is real! Ok, i just wanted to share a few spiritual thoughts real quick. First to build us up, I overheard a sister talking about Peter when he faltered while walking on water. She said, all of us stumble like Peter did, but although the Lord allows us to stumble, He will never let us fall! I know that to be true! The Lord is always there, He knows each of us, and He will never leave us. I don't know if you read Wesley's experience with his first baptism, but if not ask nana. She can send it to you. It is truly amazing and just shows that God knows all of His children, and each of their individual needs, and will always take care of us. This week while studying the scriptures I read 2 Nephi 2:4 the last line says, " salvation is free" When thinking about it i realized, that salvation is free to us, but it wasn't free. Someone had to pay the price for salvation, and our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, willingly paid that price. We must always remember what He did for us so that salvation could be free. But we must also remember that salvation is not free unless we come to Him to receive it. We have already begun on the path to receiving it, but now we must help others receive it. 2 Nephi 2:8 exactly illustrates it, "Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise." The Lord loves all of His brothers and sisters, and God loves all of His children. They want them all to return! Every single soul! Our role as members of the Church, and therefore as missionaries, is to work with the Lord to help every soul know Him, and be able to return to Him. We need to help people know that salvation is there, and it is free beacause the Savior made it free. All they have to do is come to Him. Sorry, I have to go, but I just wanted to share all that I'm learning. I love you all so much, and I hope that you have a great week! Can't wait to hear from you soon!

Con Mucho Amor,

Hermana Harris

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