Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Fourth of July!!!

                                                                                                               June 30, 2014 
Dear Family,

Thank you for cheering for Chile in la Copa Mundial (World Cup)!
We are all sad that they lost, but it is better for us because now we can work without interruptions.

My Sweet Sister Companions and dear friends!!
On Sat. they played during lunch here so we just stayed inside and worked on productive missionary things that we need to get done, and we studied. This week was amazing and crazy! It went by so fast! Let`s see if I can write about everything that happened!
We had Stake Conference this weekend so we were working hard to help our investigators get to the stake center which is farther away. Anet went with her family and had a good experience. She is excited for her baptism this Saturday! Please pray that her father can come!
We are also working with a recent convert who has 7 children, and 4 of them aren't members. We are teaching those that want to listen. Constanza is 16 and she is listening and preparing for baptism on the 12th! She came to Stake Conference this Sunday and is progressing! Please pray for her! 
Cesar and Carolina and Maria Carolina, and also Mario and Jocelyn are preparing to go to the temple on the 11th to do baptisms for the dead! We are so excited for them! They are progressing remarkably! Mario received the Priesthood last week. Javiera is also preparing for the temple!  
This week we learned a lot. We had exchanges on Friday and guess who I got to work with? HERMANA CALL, MY TRAINER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun, and just like old times except that my spanish is better now haha. I love her so much!
While we were working we were determined to find someone prepared to receive the gospel. We had been talking to everyone, and we had already talked to about 50 people when we went down a street and started knocking on a few doors. Everyone rejected us, but we kept going. I was walking close to a fence in front of a house when all of a sudden  huge dog barked and jumped on the fence and scared me to death. We started laughing and that is when I looked at a window of a nearby house and saw a lady watching tv by herself. I had accidentally made eye contact with her while staring creepily in her front window and I felt awkward so we moved on. We knocked on her neighbors house, but they didn't want to listen. I told Hermana Call that I felt like we should teach the lady we had seen, so we knocked on her door. Her name is Monica. She answered and we testified of our message and asked if we could share a short message with her that would bless her life. She said she was busy, but then Sister Call asked if we could use her bathroom, haha that`s how we got in. While we took turns, the other got to know her a little more. She is amazing. While we were talking she told me that she had listened to the missionaries once before. She doesn`t usually let them in, but one day she was making bread and they knocked on her door. She told them she was busy making bread and they asked if they could help because they had big muscles and strong arms to knead it. haha she let them in. She told me that they had used that excuse to enter her house and teach her. haha I laughed awkwardly because we had asked to use her bathroom and had gotten in haha but we needed a bathroom so we didn't lie. We began to teach her and she listened and understood everything. We invited her to baptism and she said yes. She had never been baptized in another church, which is a miracle here! We invited her and she was going to come to Stake Conference, but I don`t know what happened. Please pray for her! She is so prepared, but we need to help her progress and come to church. 
Thank you for your prayers and for your love! We are still teaching Cesar and Jasmin, but we had to leave the other investigators because they weren`t progressing. But thank you for your prayers in their behalf! 
This week I have been studying the book from the mission library,  "Our Heritage" It  is all about the history of the church and it is so amazing! I am learning so much and I feel the Spirit so strongly as I read about the restoration of all things, and of the inspired men who were chosen to be prophets and apostles in this last dispensation. I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ. He lives and He loves us, and He guides this church through His prophet and apostles. My invitation is that we can all read this book and understand more about our rich legacy as members of the true church of Jesus Christ! The Spirit will remind us of our conversion and help us be faithful until the end!
Guess what? I also finally got the Liahona with the conference talks from April! I am so excited to read them!! Thank you for all of your prayers and your love! I love you all and I hope you have an amazing 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to have a talent show that day! I will let you know how it goes! Love you!!!
Hasta Luego, 
Hermana Harris

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