Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"El Partido Mas Importante!" (The Most Important Game)

                                                                                                  June 23, 2014
Hola mi familia marvillosa!!! How are you all doing?
This week was awesome!!! We learned a ton as we worked and saw a lot of interesting sights here in Chillán. Let me tell you the funny things first!
One day we were out contacting and there was a dog nearby, like there always is, but when we did a double take we realized that this dog had 2 barretts in it's fur by its ears. Haha so weirdly funny!!
Also, we are teaching a little old lady that has diabetes and other health issues and she can't walk, but she sure is a fan of soccer! I ask her about the world cup because she watches it and it is hilarious because even the older people here watch the world cup like crazy! Okay, another story about older people. We were walking to a lesson when suddenly we look up and see a grandmother walking on the roof haha. And finally, this week we had a lesson with Cesar, but there were two flies in the house that were bothering everyone, so before we started the lesson he brought out his fly swatter to kill them. But his fly swatter is super advanced. It is in the shape of  a tennis racket and it has an electric current, so when you hit a fly, it gets electricuted and falls to the ground. So he hands it to me and I was in charge of killing them. I got them both, when suddenly they rose and started flying again. Note, it doesn't kill them, it just stuns them. But that is the coolest fly swatter I have ever seen. 
Okay, now for the spiritual part. This week Anet came to church with her mom, and Cesar and Jasmin also came. Anet will be baptized on the 5th because this week is Stake conference and we are going to wait so she can be confirmed the next day after her baptism. Cesar and Jasmin are progressing, but he doesn't like being pressured so they still haven't accepted a baptismal date. Please pray for them! We were also teaching Fransisco but he didn't come to church, and Crelia, Martina, Katti, Richard and his mom didn't come either, but we hope to keep working with them so that they can receive the blessings that Heavenly Father has for them. We also hope to find more people who are prepared to receive the gospel. Please pray that we can do so. 
I learned a lot of things this week, but yesterday we had a lesson in Relief Society that was amazing! It was about leaving a legacy, and a sister who is a returned missionary gave the lesson! It was perfect as she always defined all of the words so that the investigators could understand.
Sometimes we forget that as Latter-Day-Saints, we speak a different language and the investigators have a hard time understanding. She spoke about the importance of covenants in leaving our legacy and especially about the covenants that we make at baptism. A covenant is a pact between God and us, but it is different because He sets the conditions and we promise to live them. When we are baptized we promise to take upon us the name of Christ, to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. We promised that we would attend church every Sunday.
Why is important that we attend church? Well the two most important reasons are to take the sacrament and renew our covenants. We can pray, have activities, and worship Heavenly Father and the Savior in our houses, but only in church can we partake of the sacrament, and remember our covenants, repent, and promise God again that we will keep our covenants. We need to take the sacrament every week! It is so important! That is why we need to go to church every week. We also need to go because we love our Heavenly Father and we obey Him because we love Him. We don't do it to get blessings or receive praise, but we do it because we love Him. I know that as we are loyal and true in keeping our covenants, and as we go to church every day, we will be blessed! With every commandment, comes a blessing! I know that God will bless us in all things temporal and spiritual! 
Although the world cup is going on, may we remember that this life is the most important game that we can play. It is a test, and we must prove ourselves. Every day is game day and we must be ready to perform our best and win. And we can only do this when we keep our covenants and do God`s will. I testify that He is our team captain, and with Him we can`t fail. It is my prayer that we can all make good decisions so that we can win with Him. I love you all! I hope you have an amazing week and keep on winning! Hasta luego!
Love, Hermana Harris

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