Monday, July 14, 2014

Perfection vs. Being Worthy

                                                                                                  July 14, 2014
Hola mi familia maravillosa! Gracias por sus cartas, when I got on I had 24 emails haha love it! So I have so much to tell you from this week! I am so glad you had an amazing trip and are back safe and sound in Naperville! I love you all so much! 
Sooooo, we had transfers this week. President called me last night to call me as a Sister Training Leader for my last cambio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be serving in Crav in Penco, which is closer to Concepción, and I will be serving with Hermana Baturité, another Sister Training Leader who is from Brasil.
I am so excited for this opportunity to serve and I will do my very best to help the sisters and work hard this last transfer! I am so grateful for the blessings that God has given me and for my whole mission!

Usually when we have transfers, the elders call us in the morning at 7, but this time our zone leaders planned a breakfast at 10 and we had to go there and everyone chose a name of someone else out of a bag and then we had to annouce where that person was going to be transferred. It was a lot more fun and exciting!  
So update this week. Jaime came to church, he is preparing to be baptized on the 26th of July. He is so prepared! We invited him to pray about his baptismal date because he felt that it was too soon. When we called he said that when he prayed, he didnt feel an answerl. But about 3 hours later he called us again to say that he receive his answer and is going to be baptized! We are so excited for him! He used to play the organ in the Catholic church and every time we go to visit him he makes me play a hymn on the piano! So fun! Mario is also progressing! He wasn't able to come to church because he had to go with someone to the hospital last minute, and didn't come, but he is learning and changing and it is amazing! Sadly, Laura and Connie couldn't come either. We will continue to work with them. I am sad that I won´t be there for their baptisms, but I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of teaching them. The Lord truely prepares people and converts them!!! 
Mario and Yocelyn went to the temple and loved it! They both shared their testimonies on Sunday in Sacrament meeting as the Bishop asked them to do so, and the Spirit was so strong! They only have 2 months in the church and have changed so much! Cesar is doing well. Thank you for your prayers. What really happened is that a brick fell on his back and broke a piece off one of his back bones, but he is doing well and mending. I know that the Lord answered our prayers and helped him heal and not have an injury more serious. 
This week was great and I Iearned so much! We had a sister study and I learned the difference between being perfect and being worthy. The perfection is a constant progression throughout our whole lives and worthiness comes from repenstance and striving to be better every day. The Lord doesn´t ask us to be perfect, but He does ask us to be worthy! Also, I had the opportunity to teach the class in Relief Society this past week. I learned a ton from President Joseph Fielding Smith about baptism, and about keeping our baptismal covenants. We must keep being faithful to the end because we were baptized to enter in the celestial kingdom, not in the terrestrial nor the telestial kingdom. My prayer is that we can all keep our covenants faithfully and fully and remember our goal to live with our Heavenly Father and our Savior and our Families in the Celestial Kingdom forever. 
On Wednesday we played soccer as a ward. The elders didnt tell us we were going to play so we showed up in skirts and boots. To not harm my boots anymore, I played in my socks haha I love playing barefoot because it is way easier to control the ball. But by the end of the game, I had huge holes in my socks haha so fun! Thank you for all of your prayers and for your love! I love you all! Have an amazing week and know I am praying for you! 
Love, Hermana Harris

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