Monday, August 26, 2013

"I Know it, I Live it, I Love it!"

                                                                                                                           July 15, 2013
Hola mi familia!! Thank you so, so so much for your emails! They are my strength as I start every week!! I am so proud of each of you and so grateful for your righteousness! I am glad you are all having an incredible summer! Thank you for sharing your adventures, both fun and spiritual! I love hearing about them, and I promise that they don´t distract me, so please keep them coming.
This week has been great! Last week our numbers were really low, so we had a goal as a zone to make sure we had 140 contacts with people during the week. We had 146!! We were finishing up the contacts last night and trying to enter houses and share the gospel through lessons with the people we contacted, but it is sometimes really difficult to do so. But last night we met our goal and were continuing to contact with the determination to teach and share the joy of the gospel. And guess what? We found a miracle! Her name is Sis. V. She lives with her son who is autistic and this family is so so special to us! We love them so much already, an only met them last night!! She had shared with missionaries before but never recieved an answer, but we taught her a lot and helped her understand how she can know the truth. In the past she had been in another church, that didn´t accept her son. I was able to bear testimony about the scripture that says by their fruits you shall know them, and how i know that this is the true church because all of the fruits are good and are of God and everyone is invite to come and partake. But it was in simpler words because I had to speak spanish :) But it was such an amazing lesson, and renewed our ánimo(excitement) for the work! We had kind of been going through the motions a little, just teaching the lessons instead of teaching according to their needs, and the Lord taught us what we need to do to help these people understand the gospel and all of the doctrine as it relates to them. I am so grateful to be taught daily! Sis. V. is so ready and as we describe the Spirit as it can speak through peace and tranquility, she told us that she felt peace and tranquility when we walked in. Please pray for her as we will not be able to visit until thursday. She needs to recieve an answer, and continue strong until we can teach her again. Thank you for your prayers. 
We had another activity this week. Noche de talentos! It was a great strength to the members, we didn´t have any investigators come, but we invited a ton. But next time they will come! We got permission from our district leader to do a dance with the relief society sisters in which we put glow sticks on our clothes in the form of a stick figure and then danced in the dark, it was awesome! 
 This week I learned a lot about goals and what I want to accomplish in my mission. I want to help as many people as I can to come closer to Christ. I am setting goals to be able to do this. In life, we need to set goals, and then have other steps on how we can accomplish these goals. That is the order that the Lord has set, a big goal such as baptism, and then smaller steps to get there. We can do this in everything we do in life! It can always apply! My goal for this week is to love the people more, and I am going to do this by looking for service in every moment, not just saying words when teaching but saying specifically what they need to hear and always speaking kindly and with interest in them, and studying for them every morning. What will be your goals for the week? And how will you accomplish them. I love you all so much! I hope you have an amazing week. Please travel safely, I know the Lord will protect you as He blessed me in my setting apart not to worry about my family at home. I love you! Rejoice everyday and know how proud I am of each of you! Have a great week!!! Hugs and Kisses!
With all the love in the world! 
Hermana Harris

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