Monday, August 5, 2013

We Must Pray to Know for Ourselves!!

                                                                                                                         July 1, 2013
Hola mi familia!!!!!!!! Thank you for all of your emails! I love reading about your adventures and spiritual experiences! 

Everything is great, and even in times when it is hard, it is still great! I strive everyday to make the most of it and work my hardest for the Lord, but there is so much I still need to do. This week has been pretty busy. We found many miracles!! This week we prayed specifically for families, and we found them! We have two new families to work with. 

My favorite part of being a missionary is being able to share my testimony all day everyday, and to be able to feel the Spirit testify to the people we are teaching that what we are saying is true. But there is something so important that they must do. They must pray to know for themselves. We can bear testimony all day of our experiences, but if they don´t pray for themselves with faith, nothing wavering, they are never going to receive an answer for themselves and be able to proclaim that they know without a doubt, because they have prayed. Prayer is so important for our investigators and for anyone who has a desire to know the truth. If we have a question, all we need to do is ask our Heavenly Father to help us find an answer. He is there, He is always there listening, and He wants to give us the answers. Prayer is the most amazing thing because we can communicate with our Father in Heaven. We can talk to Him anytime we need to, or just when we want to. And He hears us! My invitation to all of you this week is to evaluate your prayers and think about what you can do better to make your prayers more meaningful, or to pray with more thankfulness, or to pray more. And when you pray, really speak to Heavenly Father. Pray is a conversation that we have with Him, it is no different than speaking with our earthly parents. A line from one of the songs in Savior of the World, that I love is, "Ask God all your questions, tell Him all your fears, thank Him for His blessings, then wait with open ears. Listen as He answers, Hear His voice so still...Then go and do His will." I love this! I testify that we can pray to our Heavenly Father for anything. He wants to hear us, and He does. He will answer in His own time, but He will answer, and if you ever have a question or a doubt just ask Him. It is through prayer that we can feel the love that He has for us, and can receive the answers He wants us to know. i love you all! This is my spiritual thought for the week, sorry it is short. But I am so proud of each of you and your testimonies, and I am so grateful for the prayers you offer for me! I know Heavenly Father hears them, and He is answering them and helping me. Please have a great week! Be safe and know i love you ! 

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