Monday, August 5, 2013


                                                                                                                             July 8, 2013
Hola mi familia!!!  I love you all so much!

This week has been really great! How was the fourth of July for everyone? I completely forgot it was July 4th on Thursday because we celebrated it here on Friday with a branch activity! Una Noche NorteAmericana! It was so fun! And a lot of members came. 

It is so amazing to be able to watch the branch become more of a family because they have struggled with this in the past. But the activities are helping. For this activity we started with a hymn and a prayer and then they asked me to sing the star spangled banner, and then we played a giant game of twister with all the members. We had papers that we taped to the floor and it was about 12 by 4 circles so the game was huge. When they were done all the papers were shredded but it was way fun for them. Next we did a pie( or pay, pronounced the same) eating contest. It wasn't really pie, it was more like crushed up cookies, some cherries, and whipped cream, but they all participated and had to eat without hands. I will try to send a video! Next we gave them each a cookie and they had to place the cookie on their foreheads and use facial movements to get the cookies in their mouths. I will send a video of this too! And after that they played musical chairs, and then missionary tag. We finished up with some papas fritas or french fries, and some peach cobbler, but for lack of plates they were both on the same little plate so many assumed that we eat french fries with peach cobbler as a dessert, ha ha it was way funny. The best part was being able to share some of the fun things we do in the states, and see how much fun they were having.
One miracle was that an investigator came! He came by himself, but we are hoping to teach him, his wife, and his daughter. He had a ton of fun at the activity. We also had the son of a less active member come, and then his dad came later. They saw how the branch is more of a family and this was a blessing too. I am so proud of this branch and I love all of the members, they are some of my best friends. 

This week we are also going to focus on helping the youth, they struggle with having mutual here, so we are going to try to work with the branch to organize mutual activities that the youth enjoy and that will strengthen their testimonies. Especially the young men who are preparing for missions here.

 I absolutely love my mission! I love the people of Chile, I love the food, this might be a problem when I return, but I found out there is a Chilean restaurant in Provo!!! But most importantly I love being able to share the gospel with this people and see the changes. I love being able to learn from their examples, but also learn from serving a mission. I rarely shared the gospel with my friends before my mission and what I am most grateful for is that I am learning how to so that I can continue to do so when I get back. The Chilean people are my brothers and sisters, and I want them to have the blessings of the gospel! But when my mission is over I will have all the knowledge I need to be able to share the gospel with my friends, my family, and everyone!!! I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn while helping others and seeing their testimonies grow. Missions are incredible!!! I am so grateful for all the leaders who helped prepare me for a mission! It is the greatest blessing in my life and because of them, their testimonies, and their love, I am here!!! I thank my Heavenly Father for His plan, for His blessings, for the Gospel, and for His Son, and for my testimony that I have the amazing opportunity to share now and for the rest of my life. I am rejoicing in my mission! I get to see miracles everyday, and I am so grateful!

I love you all! I hope you have an amazing week!!!!!!!! 

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