Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weaknesses or Strengths? I Choose Strengths!!!

                                                                                                                                 Sept. 16, 2013
Hola Mi Familia!!! Es una bendición grande para escuchar de ustedes! Siempre estoy animada para leer sus cartas y saber que están haciendo en Chicago! Les amo tanto! Wow you have all had a wonderful and busy week full of adventures! I am glad to hear it!!! 

This week has been full of adventures for me too! The adventures started when we all got fleas or pulgas. Yes, my goal to stay flea free didn´t last. But don´t worry, we are doing just fine and battling the fleas well. Today we hope to buy something called La Bomba! or the bomb, It will kill all the fleas! To stay safe from fleas I have been applying the insect repellant that dad packed for me, before I go to bed. Dad, I know that you were inspired to pack a repellant to combat fleas! Thank you so much! Really, I only had one bad night, so don´t worry. I am only telling you because it is pretty funny. You can all laugh, I´m laughing ha ha!!  Well, let's move on to other exciting moments.

 We are getting excited about the dia de independecia!  It is a big celebration where all they do is eat. We have been invited to countless houses, but we will be wise and I will conquer! This week we tried yogurt cake and it was quite interesting! I love trying the new food here! It is so awesome! 

We are still trying to find more people to teach, but we realize that we need to be more diligent in talking with everyone we pass. I know that if we will prove ourselves to the Lord, He will help us to find those that are prepared to hear the gospel. Maybe He already is placing them in our path and we just keep passing them. I am praying for the confidence to talk with everyone. Sometimes I get scared, and I need to change that. I am going to have perfect faith this week and talk with everyone! I can´t wait to report how I do next week! 
We are still working with our investigators, but they have some struggles and set backs with the word of wisdom. Please pray for them so that they can continue to learn. Thank you for all of your prayers and concern. We can see the Lord´s answers manifested in the progress of our investigators. They are doing well, and we have such a love for them and a desire to help them come unto Christ.
It has been a hard week, but I am so grateful for each week to be better and learn from mistakes. I am so grateful for the Savior and His Atonement that allows us to repent and change. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who forgives us and teaches us how to make our weaknesses strengths. 
This week I have a new challenge. Think about one of your weaknesses that you want to mejorar, or change to become a strength. it can be spiritual or temporal, such as doing well in school or praying more. Choose one and pray every day to change this weakness to a strength and to have the Lord´s help to remember and change. I know that the Lord will help you as you do this. He has already helped me in the mission to change many weaknesses to strengths and He will do that for each of you!
I love you all, I love my mission, I love this gospel, and I love our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
You are all so amazing! Have a great week, and just keep getting better!!!!!!!!!

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