Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day!!!

                                                                                               June 16, 2014
Hola a todos!!!!!!!!!! Les amo muchisimo! Thanks for sharing your favorite scriptures and experiences from this week! I am so grateful for each of you! HAPPY FATHER`S DAY!!!!

I have to say that this week was amazing!!! We saw a lot of miracles and felt the Spirit guide us, but the best part is that we really felt our Heavenly Father`s love this week. I am so grateful that we got to celebrate Father`s day, and I am so grateful that it is on Sunday because that is our Heavenly Father`s day and we get to celebrate Him every week.

We had interviews this week and I love having interviews with President because he is so inspired to tell us what our Heavenly Father wants to tell us. I was able to express some of my feelings as a missionary and I know that the answers he shared with me come from a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of us personally and wants to help us more than anything. He is always there and He works miracles in behalf of His children! 

Good news! Hermana Martinez and I are all better! Thank you for your prayers! I know that that was a miracle that Heavenly Father gave us as we all joined together in faith and prayers! Thank you for your faith! We were able to work hard all week. Well, almost all week because the World Cup interfered a little with that. When Chile plays, the people start celebrating early and drinking. We had to enter on Wednesday night at 6, when we usually work until 9:30. That was quite an adventure, but it helped us get things organized in the house and as missionaries. It is crazy to be in a country where everyone loves fútbol!! I love it!!!! Let me know how the U.S. does in the world cup. 

We have been working with Crelia, Katti, and Martina, and also Cesar and Jasmin, but sadly, none of them came to church on Sunday. We only had 1 investigator in church. Anet came with her mom, Angie, as she is preparing to be baptized on the 6th of July!
We found a lot of new people to teach this week, including the mom and younger brother of a less active youth that we are working with. The young man is named Richard, and his mom is Maria Angelica, and his brother is Manuel. Please pray for them as well as all of the other people we are working with.
Last night we also taught Fransisco and Elizabeth. They are a couple that Hermana Blau and I had taught before but then they were never home. We finally passed by again after leaving them for a while, and they were home. As we taught about baptism, Fransisco expressed desires to change. They then told us that they are going to separate and get a divorce. I was so sad to hear this, but we realized why Heavenly Father sent us to this family again. He knows them because they are His children, and He wants to help them. I know that our Heavenly Father knows each of us and takes care of us always. We are blessed to have the gospel because He has given to us. We must share His love with others and help them to receive it too. Please pray for this couple, and that we will be able to be instruments in God`s hands to help them. 

The funny things that happened this week is that we knocked on a door and a little grandpa opened the door and he said something that I didn't understand but left the door open and went further into the house. We were waiting there for quite a while to see if he was going to get someone when suddenly we see him peek around the corner like he was checking to see if we were still there haha. I began to question why he left the door open if he didn't want to hear us. but about 2 mins. later, another man came out and talked with us. It was just so funny and random.
Also, last night we were teaching a less active family and the lesson was really spiritual about the Restoration. My companion had testified and was starting to talk about the restoration of the Priesthood. She said that Peter, James, and John had given the Priesthood to Joseph Smith, and then she second guessed herself and asked us if it was Peter, James, and John to make sure she had said it right. haha there goes our credibility. Not really, but it was more funny because she had said it in Spanish of course and in Spanish their names are Pedro, Santiago, and Juan, so when she asked me to make sure, I was a little doubtful because Satiago doesn't sound at all like James haha Its okay, we got through it, and yes Pedro, Santiago, and Juan restored the Melchizedek Priesthood. One more funny moment. We had a sister`s study on Saturday at 10:00 a.m with the sister training leaders and they asked us to prepare a part to teach. But I completely forgot about it until I received a call from Hermana Call at 10:08 in the middle of companionship study. Haha We walked there quickly planning our lesson as we walked, but it worked out great so no worries. I love the mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for everything! I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic week! Remember that Heavenly Father loves you and He knows you! He will always help you and He will use you as an instrument to help His children! Hasta luego!!

Love, Hermana Harris

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