Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Week Number One

                                                                                                           July 21, 2014
Hola a todos! Estoy muy feliz para escribirles hoy día! This week was amazing and I am so grateful for all of God`s blessings! I am so happy to hear that you all had a fabulous week!!! This gospel blesses us every minute of every day and I am so grateful for our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. 
So first off, my companion is amazing! She is from Brasil, so I am going to start learning Portuguese too! She has been a sister training leader for a while, and she is teaching me everything. She loves to work and has always wanted to serve a mission. She is such a great example and I am excited to work with her. We have been able to teach with unity and love for the people, while enjoying our missions!
Penco is amazing! I am in the same stake as Frutillares so this week I got to see a ton of members from my old branch. The area here is a little bit more difficult, because it is harder to enter into doors and teach, but we are talking to everyone and inviting them all to learn about the gospel and be blessed. I know the Lord will bless us for our diligence and obedience. We weren`t able to have investigators come to church because we don`t have very many. We are working with a family of 3. They are the familia Mejias, and we are teaching Hermana Mejias and her two daugthers. The husband doesn`t like to listen to the missionaries. Their biggest struggle is that they have not received an answer that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that if they read the Book of Mormon and sincerly and earnestly pray, God will answer them. They will come to know that the Book of Mormon is true, that it testifies of Jesus Christ our Savior, that Joseph Smith was His prophet, that this is the Church of Jesus Christ and He guides it, and gives His authority to baptize. They will know that baptism in this church is necessary so that they can be baptized by water and by the Spirit by someone who has the authority to do so. It will not only bless them spiritually, but temporally as well, and it will help them in their family. I invite all to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it is true. I know that God will answer because He answered me! 
Please pray for this sweet family so that they will be able to receive an answer, and recognize it, and prepare for a baptismal date. Thank you!!! This week our stake had an amazing activity. They did an Youth Olympics with 2 other stakes. One day was with youth only, and the next day they had a marathon race on the beach, and zumba and other activities. As missionaries, we got to go to make sure everyone stayed on the running course. It was amazing to see how the members helped others realize that we can all have fun and enjoy life without having to be doing things that the world promotes, like drinking, and smoking and such. A lot of non-members were able to participate and enjoy the race and zumba and win prizes. I enjoyed cheering them all on!!! It was such an awesome experience, and the church worked with the town leaders to pull if off. Such a great example!!! 

Another cool thing we did this week is we had a sister study just as sisters in the zone. Hermana Baturitè and I are in charge of helping 6 other sisters. We felt like we needed to have a study to get to know them better. We began by playing some get to know you games and eating delicious cinamon rolls that a sister made. They were so good!!! ITs been so long since I had a cinamon roll! Then we taught an amazing lesson about having confidence in the Lord and learning to rely on Him. I know that is what God wanted us to share with them. He loves them and He is so proud of them for their efforts. I am so grateful to be His voice and hands in helping them feel His love. It reminds me so much of Girl´s camp! I know that Girl`s camp really prepared me to serve a mission and love everyone. Please pray that Hermana Baturité and I will be able to help the sisters here. Thank you for all of your prayers and your love! I love you all so much!! Have an amazing week!

Hermana Harris

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