Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

                                                                                                                                      Oct. 28, 2013
Hola mi familia maravillosa!!!!!! Cómo están? Están animados por Halloween? They don´t celebrate Halloween here like they do in the united states. They have the day off because it is an evangelical holiday that is completely separate from Halloween. I think they might still trick or treat a little bit here in Chile, but I will have to verify that and let you know next week.

Hermana Valdiviezo and i are going to be frutillas for halloween! This means strawberries haha. The reason we are going to be frutillas is because in the beginning of our time here in Frutillares we bought some frutillas and when handing them to my companion, I accidentally said, "Here are your frutillares!" She laughed so hard. I hate making mistakes in speaking spanish haha. Also, when we have our weekly district meetings, each companionship presents there numbers and in the end they say, "and we are...and then the name of their sector. For example, we always say, "and we are Frutillares." But this week for halloween, we are going to say, "and we are Frutillas!" haah it is going to be a fun week! I hope you are all doing well! This week was crazy, I think every week is crazy, but crazy is a good thing. 

Let me give you the update on our investigators. Marcela wasn´t baptized this week, but we were able to understand her needs better and we will continue to help her progress towards baptism. She is smoking less and learning a lot! Maria/Noelia (she likes them both, i prefer maria!) and Rámon are doing great! He wants to be baptized too, and they want to get baptized on the same day, so they are preparing for the 16th of November! We are so excited for them! They loved going to church yesterday, and today we are going to have a family home evening with them and a few member families. It is going to be awesome!! We also called Camila and she answered. she got really sick, and was in the hospital here in Tome and then was transferred to a better hospital in Talcahuano. she has been in the hospital for 3 weeks and we didn´t even know, thats why she never answered the door, or her phone. We sent the elders to give her a blessing, and we hope and pray that they did so. She had a horrible illness and can´t hear out of one ear now. Please pray for her recovery! We hope she returns home soon so that we can visit her. We found a family yesterday! Alicia and Miguel both accepted the invitation to be baptized and are praying about the 23rd. I will let you know how they are doing. They are great and we are excited to keep teaching them. We continue to find a few people, but we have a goal to find 10 each week, because that is the key indicator, and that is the number of people the Lord has prepared each week. We are only going to find them if we follow the Spirit, and are diligent in speaking with everyone. This is the goal, and it is hard sometimes, but we are called to do it. That is what I will be doing this week, and I hope to write next week about all of the miracles we see as we are faithful and diligent. Thank you for all of your prayers in behalf of us and our investigators. They mean so much to us as the Lord always answers them and helps us, and our investigators. Our investigators are so precious to us and to the Lord. We know that they need this gospel and the blessings it brings. Thank you, thank you! 
This week we had interviews with President, and it really helped me in so many ways. Before the interviews we took turns sharing our testimonies about why we are in the mission. As I was able to remember the why, I felt so much better. All desánimo left, as I remembered that I am here to help others come unto Christ because I love Him and I love them. I want them to receive the happiness that I have received from following Him. He is everything, and will help us in all. Without His help, I am nothing and I can´t do anything. but with Him, i can do everything! And i want to help others realize this as well! He is the Savior of the World and will always help us as we come unto Him! We can come closer to Him by studying His life and gospel to increase our faith, and by being obedient to His commandments. I promise that as we do these things we will see a difference in our lives. We will be so happy! Only He can give us peace and happiness. This week I want to give you all the challenge to remember. Remember the spiritual experiences. If you are passing through a trial, remember the strength He gave you to overcome other trials, He will do the same. Remember the warmth His love. Remember to take time to feel the love He has for you. He lives, and He wants you to remember, and to remember always. I love you all! I hope you have a great week, and that you have a ton of fun adventures, but that you take time to remember and come closer to Christ, and help others do the same. Love you!!! Hasta luego!

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