Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Inviting Everyone to Come Unto Christ

                                                                                                                                 Jan. 27, 2014
Hola mi familia!!! Thank you for the letters describing your awesome week! I am so glad that you had an amazing Standards Week! Wow, that brownies example is perfect and so true! When we don't share the gospel with our friends and neighbors, it is like we are eating brownies in front of them and not sharing the sweet treat.   
Something I learned this week from our convert Ramon is that by just inviting them to participate in the gospel, we are fulfilling our mission. He was visiting some people with us, and we contacted a woman that wasn't interested, and we always feel sad when that happens, but he said, it's okay if she didn't accept, you fulfilled your mission just by inviting her. It is so true. We need to invite everyone, and it is okay if they are not prepared and they don't accept. We did our part and our Heavenly Father and Savior are proud of us!
Guess what??? We found out the cambios or transfers today. I am leaving Frutillares and will be training a new daughter and opening a new area in Coiquen Chillan. That's a little overwhelming, but I know that with the Lord´s help, I can do everything that He asks of me. I am going to miss Frutillares. The members are so good to us, and help us so much with missionary work. I absolutely love the Chilean people, they are willing to give everything. Some families have given us new skirts, and shirts, and even shoes. Today a member gave me hand knitted gloves and a hat that are adorable and that I will save for when I get home, because I don't want them to get destroyed in the rainy winter here. The members are true disciples of Christ, as they give their all. I am going to miss them, but I am also grateful for this new opportunity and challenge from my Heavenly Father. He helps me to progress and become better. I will let you know next week how it all goes!
This week was hard. We found 4 new people to teach and that was amazing! The members continue to help us. We found Sofia, Ana, Rosa, and last night we found Marcelo. Sofia and Ana need a little more preparation because Ana says that she will never change religions :) many people say this, but our Heavenly Father is a God of miracles. Rosa wants to come to church, and loved our first lesson. She was unable to come because she is elderly and says it is very far away. Next week we will have arrangements so that a member can pick her up in their car. Please pray for her! She is so special!
Hector continues to progress, but struggles with attending church because of work. He needs to stop working on Sundays. He actually came for the first 15 minutes, and then left because he had to go to work. But Sacrament meeting is last so he was only there for the beginning of Priesthood. He says he is ready for baptism, but he needs to come to church :) Carlina was going to come, but cancelled last minute. Emma also couldn't come. But Hno. Ramón, who is her brother in law, visited their home and her two twin daughters who are 17 years old, were both reading the Book of Mormon and had a ton of questions!!!! So exciting!!! Jose also needs to stop working on Sundays. Please pray for him! He feels the Spirit, but he needs to give up working. We are going to start teaching Marcela again this week. I know she can change and stop smoking. I hope to hear about the baptisms of all these wonderful people.
Our convert Ramon is doing amazing!! I am so proud of him! He is going to be a father because his wife is expecting. We hope to teach her as well, but the man who owns the building where we live doesn't like religion and so we can't pass into their house to teach them. Maria doesn't leave the house after work because she is so tired, so it has been a struggle to share with her. We didn't get to pass by and visit Angie, but we will this week. So much to do and I love every second of it!
Last night I learned a great lesson because we found Marcelo, and we were teaching him, and his two sons were there too, but I was so focused on teaching him, that I didn't really share with his sons! I have no idea what I was thinking, but in the closing prayer I thought, why didn't we invite his sons to baptism too! We are called to invite everyone to come unto Christ, and I should have. Of course, my companion can fix what happened, but I felt bad. But I am so grateful that I learned this lesson because I am never going to do that again. We are called to invite everyone to come unto Christ, everyone! People who are close friends, and those who we just meet. But all are invited and our responsibility is to express this love for them. I am grateful for all that our Heavenly Father teaches me everyday!
This week has been amazing and I am truly grateful for everything I learned. I found the Ensign of general conference talks in English last Monday!!! Finally!!! I am almost done reading it! This past conference was amazing! It was good in Spanish, but I couldn't quite enjoy it as much as usual. I am so grateful for modern day revelation. Through these talks, I have learned so much about the love of our Heavenly Father and Savior this week. I feel like I have gotten so much closer to them this week, and I am so grateful for their love and my calling as a missionary.
My invitation to each of you is to invite everyone to come unto Christ this week! Talk to everyone you meet about the gospel and let the light of Christ shine so that others can feel His love and partake of the goodness of the gospel. I love you all!! Have an amazing week!!! Hasta luego!!!

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