Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Christmas is helping others feel the Savior's Love!!

                                                                                                                               Dec. 23, 2013
Hola mi familia!!!It is so different to have a warm Christmas. It is so hot here!! I have a really weird farmer´s tan. Two days in counting until I get to see you on SKYPE!!! I am so excited!!! I am so excited for Christmas!! It has been really hard not to open my presents early! We are doing a secret santa among us six sisters that live in the same house so I bought a gift for my secret Santa. I can't wait for Christmas and especially can't wait to talk to you all!!
This week was so amazing!! Heavenly Father really blessed us! On Thursday we had a zone Conference with half the mission, in which we had the Christmas musical program and I got to sing! It was so spiritual! We read the account from the scriptures and had videos and music during it so that we could tell the story of His birth through the scriptures, church videos, and songs. it was so amazing and so fun to celebrate the Lord´s birth and think about the miracle of it all! 
This week we didn´t find a lot of new investigators--only two, but we were happy to have four people that attended church on Sunday and three who have a baptismal date for the 11th of January. Hector, who is a reference from Ramon, José, and Valentina have a date for the 11th. Valentina, who is 8, participated in the primary program on Sunday during Sacrament meeting. Also, the grandson of José, Nicolas, was also in the primary program! It was so amazing. Valentina´s mom, Carlina, also came, and she is another investigator we are working with! Our little branch is growing stronger and stronger as more less actives are come back. We are also working with Noemi, who is really evangelic, but wants to know the truth and is really interested in the Book of Mormon. And we are still visiting Karen. She traveled and wasn´t able to come. This week, we found Carlos! He is an older man who has had heart trouble and has some really hard challenges. Before, he struggled to believe in God, but now he just wants to believe and know the truth. We contacted Him one afternoon and gave him a pamphlet of the restoration, and he said we could return in the night. When we got there, he had already read the whole pamphlet, and he loved the message of the restoration. We just need to pray that all of our investigators will pray with real intent, and receive an answer from the Lord. His work is moving forward!!!

This week we have been really focusing on teaching our investigators that our Heavenly Father loves them! Sometimes we teach this part quickly and move on, but this is the most important because if they can feel His love, they will pray and ask Him, and receive His answer, and come to love Him more. The greatest thing we can do as representatives of Jesus Christ is to help someone feel His love and the love of our Heavenly Father.  Our mission president said something that I really liked in the conference. He said, that he and Hermana Arrington were talking about what they would be doing if they were at home for Christmas this year,. They said they would be frantically running around trying to get all the shopping done and everything ready, and taking some small moments to think about the Savior and His birth, life, and Atonement. But they said that this year they are doing just the opposite. They are thinking about the Savior all of the time, as they help others feel His love and receive His gospel. I love that I get to do the same. This Christmas is going to be the best because I will be thinking about the Savior more than anything, and I hope to keep doing that every Christmas from now on.

I now that this is His true Church, His true and everlasting gospel. I know that He lives, that He came to this earth for us, that He lived for us, that He suffered and died for us, and that He was resurrected for us! He lives for us, and I will live for Him! I love you all so much! I can´t wait to talk to you on Wednesday! It will be the best Christmas present ever! I love you!!! Felíz Navidad!!!!

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