Sunday, February 2, 2014

We must have hope in order to have the Spirit!!

                                                                                                                                           Oct. 21, 2013
Hola mi familia y todos!!! Graciás por sus cartas ésta seaman!

On Wednesday I received an amazing package of letters from Sister Mueller and the Young Women in the ward! It was exactly what I needed this day, and I am so grateful for each of them and the love that I felt as I read their sweet letters. Thank you so much!!!! I hope to respond more in individual letters that will be sent in the mail a little later.

This week was quite crazy!! Let´s begin with the funny moments. Well, my black boots are absolutely dead ( I will try to fix them) but last night as we were walking my zipper on one of my boots completely broke, and I had to walk with my boot open all the way. I don´t know if you can imagine it. I will try to send a picture next week, but it was just a little bit embarrassing. My companion and I were laughing the whole way to our next lesson. Good thing our investigators didn´t seem to mind.  

Speaking of investigators! Remember how I told you that we are teaching Maria (she told us she likes to go by Noelia, so from now on i will be calling her Noelia). Well, she is progressing perfectly! She came to church yesterday, even though it was raining and not many members came. She is preparing to be baptized the 9th of Noviembre because she really wants to change her life around. Her husband has been baptized 3 times in other churches and we tried to explain why he it is important to be baptized in this church, but we might have to re-explain that again. But last night we had a lesson with both of them, and he said that they want to be married in our church. We haven´t explained about temples yet, but we are excited to teach them about that tonight, and even more excited that he has this desire because baptism is a necessary step to achieve it! :) We are still teaching Marcela who is preparing to be baptized this week. It is still not for sure, but we have faith that the Lord can help her be prepared, and so we will do our part so that we can witness the miracles of the Lord. Josue came to church, but is only progressing a little, and his daughter Nicole still hasn´t come to church, but we won´t lose faith. We never were able to teach Daniela. She didn´t answer the door again :( But we went to contact Camila, and it turns out that she has been sick for a while. We hope to start teaching her more this week! I will let you know how it goes. 
This week was really hard for us. We didn´t find anyone new to teach, and I think it was because we were desanimadas in the beginning of the week. Last night we talked to our district leader about it, and he said something I really like. He said being desanimada is the same as being without the Spirit. This not only applies for missionary work, but for life in general. If we are sad, and we lose the hope, this is the same as losing the Spirit. I know that this is true and that no matter what trial comes, all we need to do is turn to the Savior. He will carry us! He is the answer, and he will give us the strength and the excitement and the energy we need to get going, and we will have His Spirit to be with us! I learned a great lesson this week and I am so grateful for everything I learn in the mission! 
The other thing I learned this week is that when we as missionaries visit investigators without members, we are only doing daño, or harm. This is because our investigators only become attached to us, and don´t have a social conversion as well as a spiritual conversion. Then when the missionaries leave, they don´t remain active because their only friends at church were the missionaries. We see this all day everyday. Because of this there are so many less actives that were baptized and then stopped going to church. The key is to visit the investigators with members ALWAYS!!!! but this is super hard if the members can´t go with us, or they cancel. We need to work together as missionaries and members! The Lord´s work can only progress if we do what he has asked us! Mom shared that you are praying about who you can invite to learn about the gospel!! I am so proud of all of you for doing this!!! You are following the prophets and apostles who gave the invitation to each member to invite a friend to learn about the gospel before Christmas! If everyone does this, think about how the Lord´s work will progress! Also, you can tell the missionaries that you would like to go with them to teach investigators! If they have an investigator that they need to visit, you can help them by being a friend to that investigator and inviting them to come to church and the activities WITH YOU!!!!! I know that part of the blessings of serving a mission is that have learned how to be an amazing MEMBER of the Lord´s church! I have learned how to share the gospel with my friends! I have learned that I want to always help the missionaries, and if they ask me to help them teach a lesson, i want to drop everything i am doing, and go with them. This is the Lord´s work! It is the most important work!!!!!! there is nothing in the world more important!
My challenge to everyone this week is to think of a friend that they can invite to a Family Home Evening with the missionaries, or offer to teach with the missionaries! Will you do it! I know as you follow the invitation of the prophets today and each of you invite one person, you will see a difference in your lives. You will see the blessings come.! This is the Lord´s work! He is with us, He will help us know what to say to our friends, and who we should talk to! Thank you for everything you do to help the Lord´s work! I love you all!! Have a great week! And remember to choose Ánimo and Good work, instead of daño and desánimo! Love you!!!!

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